Asynchronous Online Training
Asynchronous Online Training Classes are offered by IPSCMI totally online on the “Moodle” learning platform. Classes are "asynchronous" and as such do not require real time communication between students and instructor, or from student to student. Students can log on at any time, from anywhere in the world and from any location that is internet enabled.
Communication between students and instructors occurs through email. Students are encouraged to contact other students, also by email, whenever they wish to share their experiences with their online classmates. Students should be prepared to learn from their fellow students as well as their instructor.
The IPSCMI Asynchronous Online Training Classes are designed for the people who are not able to take conventional training classes. All lectures, powerpoints and other study materials are available at the course site. All courses are facilitated by proven subject-matter experts. The IPSCMI online courses are comprehensive, allowing you to gain in-depth knowledge in a specific subject area.
All Asynchronous Online Training Classes are Open Enrollment (Start when enrolled and finish 4 weeks later). Only CISCM course is 8 weeks training; all other courses are 4 weeks.
To enroll, please submit your application online at
IPSCMI would ONLY entertain direct applications for online courses from these countries where IPSCMI doesn't have any organizations to support IPSCMI certification programs. Questions about online courses can be posed by email to